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Monday, November 3, 2008

Iranian new naval base in Straits of Hormuz

Friday, October 31, 2008
NICOSIA — Iran has opened a major naval base in the Gulf and has vowed to use it to block the passage of oil tankers through the strategic waterway if necessary.

Officials said the Iranian Navy has constructed a base in the Strait of Hormuz, passage for 30 percent of global oil shipping. They said the base, located near U.S. military facilities in neighboring Oman, was meant to tighten Iran's hold over the narrow waterway.
"With the opening of this naval base a new line of defense has been created east of the Strait of Hormuz," Iranian Navy commander Adm. Habibollah Sayari said.

Sayari said the base was located in the Iranian port of Jask on the Sea of Oman. The admiral said the navy was capable of blocking any enemy infiltration in the region.
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